1. The School day is:
The front door is opened at 8.35am
8.50am to 3.15pm (for classes 1 to 6)
8.50am to 3.10pm (for Early Years and Reception Classes)
After School Clubs: until 4.00pm (for classes 1 and 2 – optional) until 4.15pm (for classes 3-6 – optional)
2. Mid-morning break is : 10.30am to 11.00am Infants/ 10.35am – 11.00am Juniors. (A drink and a piece of fruit should be provided for morning break.)
Afternoon break is : 1.45pm – 2.00pm Infants / 2.00pm to 2.15pm Juniors
3. Lunch
– Infants : 12.00pm to 1.00pm
– Juniors : 12.00pm to 12.50pm
Hot lunches are provided for all children.
4. Pre. and After School Care Facility available from:
– 8.00am to 8.50am
– 3.10pm to 6.00pm
5. In the event of a child being absent, the School must be notified by 9.15am on the day of absence.
6. Holidays. During term time, every effort must be made to avoid children being withdrawn for holiday purposes.
7. Labelling. Uniform and equipment brought into School must be clearly marked with the Child´s name and regularly maintained. The School accepts no responsibility for any item lost or damaged.
8. While we encourage and welcome parents into the School, we ask that they try to avoid delaying teachers unnecessarily at the commencement of classes or activities. Appointments must be made to see members of Staff or the Headteacher.
9. Drop off and collection. Early Years and Reception children are dropped off and collected from the side entrance of the Reception classroom. Years 1-4 are dropped off and collected at the front door. Year 5 and Year 6 are dropped off and collected at the side gate into the Quad.
It is essential that teachers are made aware of the person who has authority to collect each child.
10. Children are prohibited from bringing into school any sweets, nuts or chewing gum, or drinks, etc. in glass containers. Thank you for your co-operation.
12. Jewellery and Watches:
Please note that for Health and Safety reasons, the wearing of jewellery is not allowed.
Any pupil with pierced ears should wear studs at school, also for safety reasons.
Studs should be covered or removed for any sporting activity.
Pupils from Classes 2 to 6 are allowed to wear watches so that they can be more independent and learn to tell the time. They should be inexpensive for school.
13. Hair – Hair must always be tied back with suitable fastenings in school colours.
14. Mobile Phones are not permitted in School or on out of school visits as they are perceived to be inappropriate for pupils of Primary age.
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If you would like to arrange visiting the school, to have a personal tour and to get answer to all of your questions, please visit our Admissions page & make an enquiry with a suggested time and date to suit you!
Call Us: +44 (0) 1476 593293
Visit Us: Gorse Lane, Grantham, Lincolnshire,
United Kingdom, NG31 7UF
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